• 17 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 28th, 2023


  • Or does the $900 they lent create a -$900 for the bank that is cancelled through repayment?

    Correct (effectively). Remember how you are “loaning” money to the bank by depositing money in ur bank account? Think about it - if someone loaned you money, and you spent it somewhere, would you have 0 money or would you have negative money (in terms of cash)?

    Interestingly, this is why Nordic countries technically have one of the highest wealth inequalities in the world. It’s because they easily get home loans as the government acts as their guarantors. Here’s a vid to explain this.

    Holy shit. I get it! That’s a great explanation and I really appreciate your taking the time to type it all out. I’m glad we don’t have Lemmy medallions to award but, if we did, I’d give you one.

    Awwww thankssss

  • I’m a scientist, not an economist

    I’m neither lmao. We just had a macroecon credit in my degree program, which is where I learnt about this.


    Now onto this… You’re kinda right but kinda wrong in that fractional reserve banking “creates money”. Here’s a way to think about putting your money in a bank. By opening a bank account, you are not putting your money in a vault. You are loaning it to the bank. The bank then loans it out to another person, who then “loans” it to another bank. Hence, fractional reserve banking is a natural side effect of this logic. What would happen if we had a 100% fractional reserve? Well, the bank wouldn’t be able to loan your money to anyone then. It would essentially become a vault.

    Therefore, fractional reserve banking is necessary to make loaning money possible. Loaning money is necessary for obvious reasons.

    Now to the “creating money” part. Sure, at the macro scale, you get a lot of virtual money in the economy. At the micro level though, individual banks aren’t creating money. They still have to get the money that they’ve lent out back. If they fail to do so, they’re going to go bankrupt. Banks would never go bankrupt if they could print money on a micro scale, right?

    Okay, so now let’s zoom out back at the macro scale. Now, you can accelerate or decelerate the economy by controlling the ratio of money that is in circulation vs money that is out of circulation. It’s simple- more money in economy = more demand = more profits = more investments in increasing supply to be competitive = more work done. If this demand however drops, profits drop, and increase in supply drops. This is very bad as no work will be done. However, if demand increases too much for essential goods (like food, housing, etc.), it is bad as it can cause problems for people till the supply can catch up. The economy is going too fast in such cases.

    Now, you can slow the economy down by many ways- by increasing interest rates, increases the fractional reserve and so on. This way, less people are going to borrow (you just reduced demand by this simple technique). You now reduced demand in your economy and slowed it down. The opposite can be done to speed the economy up.

  • Nooo ur documents. Not ur private key lol (it wouldn’t exactly be private now, would it). Let’s say u lose ur private key. U would have to manually do shit like u do when u lose ur passport.

    What I’m saying is, ur identity being deleted only if the government AND u lose all ur data on all devices at the same time. Which is incredibly unlikely.

    It’s like saying, “I don’t trust a papered system because the state buildings and my house could burn at the same time with my documents in them”

  • UraniumBlazer@lemm.eeOPtoTechnology@lemmy.worldEstonia | The Digital State
    1 month ago

    It wouldn’t really affect u even if ur id got deleted. Let me explain. Ur id is nothing but information correct (your name, address, etc.). The same goes with contracts. What makes ur id special is that the government has verified it to be legit.

    A very simple way of doing this is by making the government cryptographically sign ur id/contact. I would really recommend getting a functional understanding of how public-private key cryptography works. Basically, the government just has to put up its public key online. If u have ur id, u can verify if the document is issued by the government using their public key.

    As long as the public key stays there, and u don’t lose ur id and contracts they won’t technically be lost.

    Also, if the public key suddenly changes/disappears without being notice, everyone would know that something’s up. It’s like ur government building’s staff was suddenly replaced.