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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 20th, 2024

  • Oh yeah, those personal finance places all want to talk about the laffer curve, right up until you remind people how high the X value would be. Then, as if by magic, they dont want to talk about them anymore.

    To me, those places always seems full of AstroTurfing for the idea of lowering taxes for rich people. There might be some good stuff in there but I would take them main political thrusts made with about as much salt as you can find.

    Never ask a man his salary, a woman her age or a neoclassical economist what economic problems tax breaks for the rich won’t fix.

    To much money to spend on health care?

    Tax breaks for the rich.

    To little money to spend on healthcare?

    Tax cuts for the rich.

    Just the right amount of money to spend on healthcare?

    Just the right time to cut taxes for the rich.

  • Well known by who? Where are these people? Are they in the room with us right now?

    There isn’t anything to corroborate that he was ever either one of those, let alone switched. The people who didn’t want him to win the leadership simply declared it to be thus and such. Despite their claims, that not the same thing as it being true.

    The “he switch after he won the leadership” is the part they made up. You have to realise that the label of neoliberal was given to him not only by his enemies within the party but by people who also don’t actually know anything at all about neoclassical economics and simply use the term as a slur to throw at anyone right of the socialist campaign group that they dont like. In fact, the term has all but lost its meaning due to them.

    You’d have thought that there was something in-between being a socialist and a neoliberal but, Apparently, were to beleive thats not the case.

  • Would you still feel that way, about the very first part, if I was to remind you that some of the Russian oligarchs were crime bosses who took power and wealth by force?

    Admittedly, it doesn’t have the hereditary rule part but that, for me, would simple fall under “the difference is the passage of time.” I see it much like the difference between a cult and a religion.

  • As a British person, I had a few awkward conversations with other British people when I’ve asked them to explain the difference between a royal or a higher level aristocrat and an oligarch.

    It seems to be something to do with the length of time society had to endure their bastardry. Well, it’s either that or that they’re not from the Oligar region of Russia. Its one of the two.