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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 16th, 2024

  • I think you can use existing software to do that. If your store has wifi (even if you can’t access it, I think), you can geofence an area and have some action (such as popping up a reminder app) trigger. I’ve not used software like this myself, but I remember people describing behavior like this at least on Android. If it might be useful to you, you should give it a search.

    I have an app that’s meant to schedule things, but I just use it as a checklist and preface each action with the location. So long as I check it (second home screen on my phone, so not a huge barrier), I’m usually good.


    • costco: chicken
    • costco: paper towels
    • Cainz: sunscreen
    • grocery: milk
    • grocery: eggs

  • “Critical Thinking” was already taken, so I’ll go with my similar-but-different answer of critical evaluation of sources/information. When I was a kid, we were never to let anyone in when home alone, even to just use the phone. We were told never to believe anyone on the other side of that door that wasn’t family or emergency services (and even then to call the neighbors in the latter case). Today, so many of the same people who told me this are fooled by dis- and mis-information online or believe very poor sources. Sometimes, it does fall into the trap of “my sister/brother/pet albatros shared it so it must be true!” of thinking the source is already verifies. We all should get better at this.

  • Arguably, many people groups indigenous to what is now the US (and often times into Canada and Mexico as well) were each their own countries and sometimes joined into confederacies (for example the Iroquois Confederacy and some others). I do think indigenous voices frequently get lost (and that does need fixing), but I don’t know if there’s value in representing them as a single unit as though they were a single nation before. Many groups came over at different times, migrated around, etc. They’re not even all in the same macro language families (and may have come from separate peopling events, but that’s a whole other can of worms).