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  • 6 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 26th, 2022


  • I’d been wanting a new keyboard for a while, mainly to get better tactile switches and more aggressive stagger. But I tried to swap some keycaps on my ErgoDox and broke a switch, and that was enough to justify a new keyboard. I’m sticking with the Piantor for a while because I don’t want to afford to drop $250 on keyboards every few months. So, in my case, I’m sticking with it for financial reasons, not “in love with” reasons.

    I do like the better programmability, tho. Definite win, although kanata certainly filled that need adequately.

  • Hmm.

    What are the “ideals of transgenders?” The right to exist, free from persecution? If you’re opposed to basic human dignity and rights which you’d be really pissed about it someone tried to take them away from you, then, yeah. That’s a fairly extremist view.

    Immigration… well, I can at least understand the thought process. But unless you’re Native American yourself, then that’s just fucking hypocritical. I wouldn’t say “extreme,” just more “asshole.” Like, you got yours, and fuck everyone else trying to get what your immigrant great-great-grandparents did - it’s a kind of dick attitude. If you are of indigenous descent, then sure: you get a free pass on that topic, from me, at least.

    We should be able to discuss these topics, and I’ll agree Lemmy can be pretty hostile when it shouldn’t be. Lemmy’s got its own Overtone Window and it can be rather fascist about enforcing it. However, if you approach a controversial topic at least attempting to come across as open to debate, and not just ranting about cross-dressing Mexican laborers taking your job - and really depending on the instance and forum you post into, you stand a fair chance of having a decent discussion.

    You’re not going to get much love going into a feminist community whining about affirmative action is actually just sexism in disguise, no matter what.

    I’ll just point out that many of is are aware of the paradox of tolerance: intolerance cannot itself be tolerated, or the bigots will eventually win. So if you’re feeling as it you’re getting slapped down about some topics, maybe consider it your position is one of tolerance or intolerance, and know that Lemmy’s aware of the danger of allowing a Nazi to sit at the table with you.

  • I used an ErgoDox for years. I wasn’t thrilled with the switches, and I wanted more stagger.

    For the past few months I’ve been using a Piantor. I’ve learned:

    1. Thin is sexy, but I still haven’t found anything I loved as much as buckling springs, and maybe I should have opted for less sexy, but more tactile, than what’s available in Choc
    2. I really need to focus on a bat-wing style, connected keyboard next time. While the sides don’t slide around much, it really bugs me when they aren’t exactly where I expect them to be.
    3. I need more tenting; the tenting option(s) on the ErgoDox was good.
    4. 42 keys is just a few too few for me.

    I’m a fairly fast touch typist, and while I loved the chording for, eg, the num pad, I have to have too many keys under layers and I can’t quite get the QMK settings tuned such that I’m either not getting a layer switch fast enough, or I’m getting them unexpectedly.

    I think part of my problem is something the author of kanata found out and corrected for: I sometimes type a following key before fully releasing a previous key, which gets interpreted by QMK and kmonad as a layer switch (and, with 42 keys, almost every key is doing double duty). I suspect I can make QMK do what I want, but there are a lot of knobs and it can be hard to tell what to adjust.

    Anyway, I think next time I’ll go for less thin, max tactile, more connected halves, at least a couple more keys on each side; I miss those center thumb keys on the ErgoDox. Same stagger. I’m going to have to solve the QMK programming either way.

  • People get weird and start behaving uncharacteristically as mortality approaches. They start thinking about things like “legacy.” They start caring about how the history books will talk about them.

    I would not at all be surprised if Musk turned philanthropist after he retires; or even just a couple of years before he retires, like Gates did. I expect the same from Bezos.

    Amoral billionaires trying to buy off history and public perception. And it works: look at Bill Gates, one of the most loathsome representations of obscene capitalist extremes - he built a monopoly, ran competitors out of business through illegal business tactics, was responsible during one of the biggest monopoly convictions and only barely survived getting broken up because Ronald Fucking Regan getting elected just in time and castrating the penalty phase of the process. Gates makes Bezos look like a saint; I admit he wasn’t a raving Nazi lunatic like Musk, but I still suspect that as Musk ages he’ll start trying to buy public good-will.

    Just like Gates.

  • Hugo isn’t a server, per se. It’s basically just a template engine. It was originally focused on turning markdown into web pages, with some extra functionality around generating indexes and cross-references that are really what set it apart from just a simple rendering engine. And by now, much of its value is in the huge number of site templates built for Hugo. But what Hugo does is takes some metadata, whatever markdown content you have, and it generates a static web site. You still need a web server pointed at the generated content. You run Hugo on demand to regenerate the site whenever there’s new content (although, there is a “watch” mode, where it’ll watch for changes and regenerate the site in response). It’s a little fancier than that; it doesn’t regenerate content that hasn’t changed. You can have it create whatever output format you want - mine generates both HTML and gmi (Gemini) sites from the same markdown. But that’s it: at its core, it’s a static site template rendering engine.

    It is absolutely suitable for creating a portfolio site. Many of the templates are indeed such. And it’s not hard to make your own templates, if you know the front-end technologies.