• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023


  • All 9k stars, 10k PRs, 400 forks & professional web site are fake?

    Technically, it is entirely possible to find a real existing project, make a carbon copy of the website (there are automated tools to accomplish this), then have a massive amount of bots give 9K stars and make a lot of PRs, issues and forks (bonus points if these are also copies of actual existing issues/PRs) and generate a fake commit history (this should be entirely possible with git), a bunch of releases could be quickly generated too. Though you would probably be able to notice pretty quickly that timestamps don’t match since I don’t think github features like issues can have fake timestamps (unlike git)

    though I don’t think this has ever actually been done, there are services that claim to sell not only stars but issues, pull requests and forks too. Though assuming the service is not just a scam in itself, any cursory look at the contents of the issues etc would probably give away that they are AI generated

  • looks like work on the android client started in 2011 (or at least, that’s when it seemingly started using version control)

    the app was released in 2014

    so it has likely inherited decisions from ~14 years ago, I’d guess there is a several year gap where having a native desktop app was not even a concern

    Also the smartphone landscape was totally different back then, QT’s android support back then was in alpha (or totally nonexistent if the signal project is a bit older than the github repository makes it seem), and the average smartphone had extremely weak processing power and a tiny screen resolution by today’s standards. Making the same gui function on both desktop and mobile was probably a pretty ridiculous proposition.

  • because AbstractTransactionAwarePersistenceManagerFactoryProxyBean needs to spin up 32 electron instances (one for each thread) to ensure scalability and robustness and then WelcomeSolutionStrategyExecutor needs to parse 300 megabytes of javascript to facilitate rendering the “welcome” screen

  • If you look at the usa, less than 0.5% of children die between the ages of 6 and 18. The least likely age for you to die is 8-9 years old, and from about 12 and up the death chance increases pretty rapidly. A 30 year old is already about twice as likely to die as a 19 year old…

    so for most people this won’t apply. If you survived abusive or negligent parents though, maybe it’s different