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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 14th, 2024

  • Wartime spending is temporary and will lead to massive layoffs and a recession when Putin’s failed attempt to start WWIII finally ends.

    It isn’t like the US post WWII where there is a world waiting to buy the excess US manufacturing output to rebuild. Our decline in manufacturing is a combination of less need and the eventual shipping overseas as rebuilt nations started to crank up their lwn industries and US companies decided they would make more short term profits by outsourcing.

    Russia on the other hand has made bedfellows with China and North Korea, neither of which is likely to have any interest in Russian manufacturing in the short term, if at all. If China keeps leaning into renewables, Russia’s fossil fuel industry will also collapse.

    Putin doesn’t have only his ego to worry about when it comes to admitting defeat in Ukraine.

  • Even if every employee was equally competent, decision making needs to be consolidated enough that it can be decisive and shared throughout large companies. Complex systems that need to change rapidly gain no benefit from having too many people wanting to make decisions, you only need most of them to be competent enough to complete the work based on the decisions of a small group or the work will end up getting too convoluted and unmaintainable.

    There really isn’t a benefit to have everyone understand all of the parts of a large and complex system, if they only have time to work on a portion or to facilitate decisions that take into account the knowledge of the people in the different parts.

  • Yeah I’m just really confused by how you’re at the same time able to oppose colonialism as a concept but also not willing to acknowledge that whatever happened to other people is happening in the exact same way to Palestinians.

    You are confused because you keep ignoring my statements that the same thing is happening to Palestinians, apparently because I don’t agree that the solution is wiping a country off a map.

    Instead, they should stop being a colonial state which was the solution to all of the other colonial states.

  • The current mess is a knot that can only be solved by a single state solution. And if that is the case, and we agree that either side “cleansing” the other is completely unacceptable, then universal equality from the river to the sea, a democratic country, is the only game left.

    We disagree on whether a two state solution is possible but do agree that either side committing genocide on the other is unacceptable.

    I disagree that a single state solution is possible, even if we named it Peaceland because the same conflict you say prevents the two state solution will still exist and the conflict will continue within the single state. Forcing two opposing cultures into a single state against their will is how we get ethnic cleansing, aka genocide.

  • The populations of Africa and the Americas had all kinds of states! The Mayan culture was a state or a collection of city states. Although most media about Native Americans focus on the tribes that were more nomadic, there were tons of tribes that had established cities and locations that were their territory all throughout the two continents Hell, even nomadic cultures tend to occupy a space even though they move a lot within it.

    Africa and Australia had a lot too, I just don’t know them off the top of my head. Colonizers destroyed as much of their cultures as possible to erase their identity as a culture and state.

    You have fallen for the colonizer’s myths of unorganized native populations, which they used to justify conquering so that they could “civilize” those populations. The colonizers were absolutely wrong.

  • I think you have confused the structure and implementation of a state as a culture with a collective identity of people located within a rough geographic area.

    A state’s right to exist is not the right to act a certain way, but the right to not be wiped off the map. A colonial state colonizing is only wrong because they are conquering other states that had their own right to exist. Otherwise there would be no reason to say that Palestine should exist, and Palestine should absolutely exist.

  • When any other country commits genocide, nobody says that country shouldn’t exist. They say that they should stop doing those things.

    There were a bunch of countries that were consolidated, created, or had lines redrawn after WWII along with Israel. Other than some choosing to split themselves once they gained autonomy, such as Yugoslavia, nobody is saying that those countries shouldn’t exist.

    The only country that regularly has people say it shouldn’t exist is Israel. The only reason people say that is because it is a Jewish ethno state. It is surrounded by ethno states that nobody says shouldn’t exist. The primary people pushing the “Israel shouldn’t exist” are antisemitic groups like neo nazis.

    Now, that isn’t to say that creating Israel was a good idea or done for good reasons, but enough decades have passed that it is established. There is plenty of criticism to be had about the genocide, apartheid, borders, and what Israel does wrong without leaping to the antisemitic idea that Israel shouldn’t exist.