If you’re snooping here, you gotta calm yoself down.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • I get that. And I self host the things I care about. But for the average layman? I don’t see self hosting as a real option. Unless you are decently tech savvy, and have an aptitude for troubleshooting, most people aren’t gonna put in the time or effort of initial setup. Even if maintenance is minimal once it’s running. That first leap into self-hosted is daunting.

    I think of it this way… would I expect my dad to be able to do it? Absolutely not. And my dad is decently tech savvy for 70.

  • Churn is inevitable with any subscription service.

    The trick is creating just enough value and exclusive content/services that you feel like you’re gonna miss out if you leave. But not too much.

    I haven’t seen any incentive to stay with any specific game subscription service via exclusive content or services. But I do see plenty of attempts to lock people into services with shitty tactics. Like forcing save data to the cloud. Good luck moving that saved file to your own personal copy of the game. Or multiple tiered service options with features/games locked behind more expensive options.

    It’s all manipulative and anti consumer.

  • Not familiar with the nextcloud side of things, but I just pulled all my photos from Google photos and imported them all to Immich. I’d imagine if you just have a folder full of images, it’d work the same way. During the Immich setup, you can designate an import folder. Point that import folder at your photos folder that you want to bring in. Once you have Immich up and running, you can use the terminal and run an import from the command line on that import folder. You’ll have to make an API key for the CLI to use, but you can make that in the settings. Immich doesn’t currently support mass importing from inside the UI, so this is the only way I’ve found to do it. The import ran fast for me though, went though 125gb of photos and videos in about 5 mins.

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