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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023

  • Thank you, that’s an excellent read! This reminds me of the “expected value of perfect information” - sometimes it is worthwhile to answer a question, and sometimes it isn’t. Every once in a while I find myself in an engineering call discussing a minor problem, and I run the numbers to see if the change we are discussing is even worth talking about. One time the combined salaries of the people on the call had already outpaced the cost savings of the change over the next 10 years. We quickly stopped that discussion lol

  • You’re out here solving impossible problems. You’re “The Fixer” from Pulp Fiction. Fools look at story points. Pros see an unsolvable story that languished for years until you came along and defeated it. A single point for you is an entire epic to other teams.

    Everything is a differentiator that can be spun to your advantage. The points aren’t accurate, and you’re the only one with enough guts to step up to the plate and finally work these neglected tickets; even if it won’t “look good” on some “dashboard” - that’s not what’s important; you’re here to help the organization succeed.

    If the system doesn’t make you look good, you have to make yourself look good. If you weren’t putting in the effort, it would be hard - but as you say, everyone who takes a deeper look clearly sees the odds stacked against you, and how hard you’re working / the progress you’re making; despite those odds.

    Don’t let some metrics dashboard decide your worth, king!

  • It is not too hard and you can definitely do it! It’s like a puzzle - you will get stuck at times, but if you keep going then you’ll get there.

    APK files are just zip files, so you can unzip it to see its contents. From there, a java de-compiler get you a version of the source code. It will have random variable names and no comments, so it will take some digging to find and reverse the api layer.

    Or, who knows, you could get lucky and find an openapi spec file and auth.txt. Worse apps have been developed.

  • Any form of bread with a filling, generally assembled cold

    But, dare I say, does that not make a ravioli a sandwich? A poptart? Mayhaps even … Lasagna?

    Ah, you proclaim! But those are cooked further!

    But so too is a grilled cheese! And a patty melt!

    Where will the madness end?

  • Go a level deeper, beyond this news about news, and read the moat memo.

    The third faction is the open source community.

    The memo has an entire timeline section, dedicated to showing the speed at which the open source community absorbed and iterated on the leaked facebook model, LaMMa.

    The memo puts a lot of emphasis on how google and co are building new models from scratch, over months, with millions of dollars - and yet open source is building patches, in days, with only a few hundred dollars - and the patches stack, and are easily shareable.

    The open source models, through these patches, are getting better faster than google can re-architect and re-train new models from scratch.

    The main point of the memo is that google needs to change their strategy, if they want to stay “ahead” (some would argue they’re already behind) of the competition.