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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • It should also be noted that if the vast majority of people do nothing special on their taxes and just accept the government’s assessment, then that leaves a much smaller group of people to be audited. And a much larger portion of those people will be those who are trying to weasel their way out of paying their share. Right now, with the IRS being criminally underfunded, they only focus on low hanging fruit, the small fries. With those people being boiler plater auto-accepting tax payers, that would mean the IRS has no reason to audit them and can focus on the big boys where the real cheats are. That’s another big reason we do not have that sort of system and why the IRS is currently so underfunded (despite every dollar spent on the IRS generating between 5 and 9 dollars in revenue from tax fraud/evasion). Those kinds of people pay to make sure it doesn’t happen.

  • I have a few to add.

    1. Gerrymandering eliminated nationally with mathematically randomized district maps with approval required by all major parties and a non-partisan committee, not just the majority party. If no map can be agreed upon, the non-partisan committee gets final say.

    2. (This is more of an amendment to the elimination of the electoral college one…) States do not vote for president, people do. And no person’s vote should matter more or less than another because of the state they live in. Therefore, the person elected president is the one who wins the popular vote nationwide.

    3. The sectors of medicine, pharmacy, education, produce, and communications (cellular and internet) should always have well-funded state providers in the same competitive space as any private option. No part of the nation should be without access to any of these public services in a reasonable distance.

    4. Abortion is added as a constitutionally protected right.

    5. An exact definition to the limits on the executive power, privileges and protections of the President.

    6. Ethical rules for Supreme Court Justices with an oversight process (with teeth) to enforce them, with consequences ranging from mandatory recusals for conflicts of interest, to removal from the bench.

    7. Single purpose bills without any tagalong laws attached to them only.

    8. No bill should be brought to vote until enough time has passed since its publishing that both members of congress and the public have had time to thoroughly read and discuss its contents.

    9. A naming convention for bills that does not allow for names that are blatantly attempts at misleading, meant to evoke emotion, or just marketing gimmicks and “clever” acronyms. No more “P.A.T.R.I.O.T.”, “Stop W.O.K.E”, or “D.R.E.A.M.” acts.

    10. A pathway to cutting the military budget to a fraction of what is is today. Maybe a 10 percent reduction in budget each year for 8 years?