• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023

  • let democracy, law and order do its job

    As if the Entity currently committing Genocide isn’t considered a democracy. Or the one which invaded Iraq under the lie of them having nuclear weapons isn’t a democracy, and has resulted in hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths. or millions of death caused by colonialism of “European Domocracies” the biggest of which is the UK. I can go on and on about what democracies have committed around the world. you can still use it to pat yourselves on the back. but if you take a honest look you will see that democracies aren’t inherently better than other forms when it comes to criminal and imperialist conduct.

  • They are tying their tongues in knots when the answer to South Africa’s case is really simple. Israel “IS COMITTING GENOCIDE” and it should stop.

    there are significant concerns from both sides on human right issues, war crime and individual conduct.

    it is Like saying we have heard you but Israel needs to finish the job here. So here is a token for All of you Allies Of Israel, Let’s All act concerned about Human rights violations and respecting international law so we can buy them more Time. and if any faction of your citizens criticize your inaction, you can refer to our decision as we are the sole jurors of international law.

  • I bet they will keep adding loopholes to keep websites bullying their visitors.

    why bother making legal frameworks when you can’t enforce them, there are hundreds of thousands of website including very prominent ones that hide the “reject all cookies” button after a second screen prompt. or flat out force you to opt-out of every second cookie category , just so you give up. they haven’t been fined. and they know EU authorities aren’t bothered either, so they keep infringing on the GDPR.

  • I call it racism

    There have been more civilians killed in the latest atrocities by the Israelis in Gaza in only three months than the number of all Ukrainian civilians dead in almost 2 years. but they haven’t spared one bad word of the dictionary in describing Putin’s war in Ukraine while banning their journalists from describing Israel’s atrocities as brutal.

    If this isn’t racism and viewing one race more worthy of humanity and empathy than another, than I don’t know what it could be, cause maybe we need a better word to describe both "racism + hypocrisy "