• 8 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 21st, 2022


  • If you keep all your personal files in your home directory and stay away from snaps and don’t switch desktop environments, i.e. stay with GNOME or KDE you can switch back and forth as you wish. There are minor “bugs”/issues when switching between DEs but nothing too serious. Best is to have a seperate partition for Home but that’s luxury. Choose one (bigger) distro. If you need to install another distro because a package is only available on that system, just use distrobox instead. Want to check out another distro? Use a vm. Don’t use a nieche distro as a beginner. Use a system that auto updates itself so that you will never interact with the system again.

  • Yes. Nuclear everything. Fuck grub.

    No idea who spreads the word of dual booting. I went into that trap as well. I’ve spent so much time on grub. Don’t waste your time. Even if you manage to fix it after hours, you are not better off than before. You will run into the same or another issue again. And you won’t remember what worked did before. Backup your stuff an run.

    Nowadays I use an atomic/immutable system but I wouldn’t do it on a traditional install differently.

    1. Install all packages as flatpak
    2. Server stuff is installed with podman (docker in the past)
    3. Whatever is not available as flatpak is installed via distrobox
    4. Install only base apps to the system itself

  • Thx for the write up. I’d be itnerested in the following.

    For whom is it useful to write his custom image? Maintenance? Added value?

    When is it useful to deviate from fedora and use a ublue version? You don’t have a fedora signed distro anymore. You have to trust another party blindly not to inject malicious code. Risk of not being maintained anymore.