from russia with love

  • 8 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 12th, 2023

  • I mean first let me thank you for speaking on behalf of all of Lemmy. Super kind of you.

    Do you care about internet points on Lemmy of all places? That makes you a part of a minority. I appreciate that in some warped reality there are people who hold that opinion. Numerous threads show most netizens DGAF. You can ask Lemmy yourself or just google around since these polls already exist. What it does is it leaves a very depressing impression about the person in question.

    No one is asking you to verify every piece of information you read. In this polarizing context of the world we live in, you should at least try to make an effort to know what you’re talking about before you comment

    A contradiction. I repeat: I either verify stuff myself or outsource that verification to a source I can trust. I’m surprised you don’t do that too, or put it in the bad light for whatever reason. Maybe that’s why you have a long conversation defending questionable sources. I decided not to trust them. It’s more of an effort than blindly consuming whatever someone posts.

  • You also indicated you trust “big” sources, who…also aggregate content from sources like this one that are actually in the region.

    In the aftermath of the october attack there were numerous journalist from the publications from all around the world, not stringers, not outsourced agents. They have their biases, but at the very least they have a reputation to lose. If +972 media would report bullshit, no one would hold them responsible or start to ignore them because they are nobodies.

    necessary here, and to at the same time completely ignore that not all of the sources are anonymous

    That’s judged, again, by the reputation of the writer\publisher. Half of my country’s journalist are in exile, but I can trust those I know from before the war and hunt on them. If they refer to anonymous sources in the army, I look if that overcomes my limits of a reasonable doubt.

    In a polarising context of the Israeli-Palestinian war we already had a lot of fake or complicated stories and as I’m not myself able to verify each piece myself, I prefer big news media I can somehow trust because they do verification for me.

    I’m impressed we still have that conversation and that you take time to null my internet points on every comment in that three. It’s not big, but that’s a honest work of a dedicated individual. I felt that we on Lemmy don’t care about them at all.

  • Lesser known source

    Called commondreams dot org

    A sensationalist take

    Idk why we may doubt this fountain of truth.

    Israeli-Palestinian bloodshed is competitively reported by Israeli and pro-Palestinian sides, it’s an informational warfare. We believe we can trust at least bigger publications to vet their information before posting and cautiously read the reports from other sources. Why it should be different for that one news site? At the very least, basic level, I don’t see any mention of them being in that region and IDK how they report without that.