• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Well crap

    I pretty much only have my domain for my email adress. It’s also a back up plan should my career take another nose dive and I need a portfolio. Gsuite was good for all that.

    I’m not quite in the loop with best options for that kinda thing. And I been using the email for contract work for over a decade now. So I don’t want to give that up. Would cloudflare be good for that as well?

  • I have a few interpretations if this based on my limited understanding if it.

    I think the oversite committee has to hear him out. Ignoring a complaint from multiple members of military about potential misappropriation of funding would be egregious on their part. So they are listening to everything and trying to be professional about it.

    Now the cynic in me believes this is actually a genius way to push pulp. If this guy writes a book (assuming he hasn’t already) he’s just given himself enormous credibility and advertising at little to no cost. Loud enough to be heard but vague enough that he can’t be disproven or take on any accountability.

    But the conspiracy theorist in me just sees this as an attempt to discredit and humiliate this and other sub committee’s. Ammo that can be used to try and shut it down or prevent them from more serious work.

    Though I’m a Candain and only getting bits and pieces of this story so I’m probably way off base here.

  • I considered a simular answer, but realized I was given that same advice so often when I needed to hear it. I still ignored it.

    Much to our detriment. The "heart"often circumvents all logic and reason. Especially to our younger selves.

    Best we can do is try to instill a enough self worth that we become a little more stable. At least in my case I’d have been less willing to change who I am if I actually knew who I was.

  • I suppose it’s a bit more sensible for news related subs. The reddits ines sre likley using bots to find the news and post it, though such bots may not exist for lemmy yet and its just easier to scrape from reddit.

    But then I see somthing like the ask reddit sub on Lemmy. It’s just all of the questions none of the answers and no engagement at all. Some of the content is years old.Why does that need to exist? I can understand the idea of a reddit archive but why use lemmy for it?

    I’m also wondering about the ethicacy of it. I’m annoyed at Reddit for not allowing me to delete my old content. There’s a lot of folks threating legal action and such over reddit denying people the right to remove that content. Now we are copying that content. I assume without consent of those who’d posted it, and adding it to our own platform.

    Though perfectly legal, is that really a good idea? Is that what we as lemmy users actually want? does this actually improve the platform?