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Cake day: April 23rd, 2024

  • Love him. His one hot take, which was completely misconstrued by the Twitter mafia, doesn’t take away from the fact that he’s been right for 50 years straight.

    We’d still be in the IT stone ages without him. If you don’t believe me just look at the software they used to charge money for in the 1990’s.

    Microsoft would have likely taken over the Web Server market just as they had the Desktop market, without him. The internet would be a fraction of the size it is now.

    I wish his license had allowed for more equitable distribution of profits. It’s a crying shame companies can build billion dollar enterprises off of open source software and not pay devs a penny. It’s a problem that continues to hobble libre open source software all the way into today. But he’s stated he’s not a socialist so I can’t hold that against him too much.

  • No you threw a link at me and expecting me to strain out whatever point you were trying to make. And you still won’t do the simple act of concisely presenting whatever you think proves you right. Instead you caterwaul for two paragraphs worth of text.

    It’s probably because you’re trying to walk me to your point of view and the article really doesn’t contain the definitive proof you think it does.

    All you ML propaganda tactics are predicated on deception which you justify by saying it’s for the revolution.

    Your praxis does not work in the information age where anyone can fact check your biased premise.

    And yes I’m well aware that western governments foment decent artificially. That doesn’t prove anything about the euromadien protests. We all know if there were some ML uprising you would not accept the idea that it was BS because western govs do velvet revolutions. Before you say that doesn’t happen Lenin him fucking self was smuggled out of Europe by Anglo bourgeoisie to overthrow the Czar.

  • All you got is ad hominem attacks and its pathetic. I’m talking about a public live stream where a lot of people would see it and potentially catch predators.

    Let me counter with my own ad hominem attack. You sound like a square that doesn’t go clubbing. Social people want to club where the most action is at. Not intellectually masturbate online about privacy absolution.

    You act like there’d be a camera covering every square inch. A few cameras looking at the bar and dance floor would be enough. You do realize clubs and festivals broadcast live all the time right. Whoops no, no I guess you wouldn’t.