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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • But also due probability, I simply trust the IDF explanation about a million more times than I trust the explanation of anyone who supports Hamas’s ideology.

    So by “probability” you mean that you feel that the IDF is less likely to lie than Hamas?

    Despite saying (correctly)

    I’m very sure that Israel has some liars in charge right now.

    The thing is, we don’t need to trust Hamas. There is a good chance there are tunnels under any particular building (far under but let’s put a pin in that for now). So when Israel bombs a water facility, there is probably a tunnel at least close by, about 10 m down or whatever.

    But the question isn’t whether there’s a tunnel. The question is what Israel is targeting. The only people who can answer that are those in the Israeli government and military, which you acknowledge contains “some liars.” We don’t even need to see what Hamas says. So why do you trust their explanation?

  • I’m just not impressed by 500 bodies in a warzone. It doesn’t matter that they’re volunteers.

    Aid workers. Protected by international law. But also it’s only about 250. I guess you are less “impressed” now as if that was the goal, lol.

    500 died. Why do you ignore the tens of thousands who did not?

    Yeah I broke your nose, but why are you ignoring the 205 bones I didn’t break? Hopefully you can see how stupid a thing this is to say.

    Just kidding it’s because it doesn’t fit your narrative of the evil Jewish aggressor and makes you sound hysterical and idiotic.

    Please show me anywhere on my entire Lemmy account where I have said anything negative about Jewish people because they are Jewish and not just because the ones in the IDF are DOING WAR CRIMES and also happen to be Jewish. I never even mention this because it does not matter. You can tell this very easily because if you do look through my account you will see me criticise Hamas for their war crimes and the US political establishment for supporting Israel’s war crimes.

    I am anti asshole. Not anti Jewish.

  • And half of Gaza’s water infrastructure being destroyed (based on BBC satellite photos and guesswork) also does not impress me

    Wasn’t trying to impress you. Just clarifying that I was not lying.

    Oh no, poor Gaza. They gave all their water to terrorism and didn’t save enough for themselves.

    “Gave all their water to terrorism” - do you even hear yourself? Did the malnourished children “give” their water to Hamas? I can’t even believe you’re being serious here.

    And like, Jesus fucking Christ. Did you read your own article? Did you look at the photograph in the very first picture in the article that shows the water tanks clearly were not targeted by Israel?

    Yeah of course I did. It’s the middle one here. How exactly does this show it’s not been targeted? And if they really aren’t targeting them, why have 53% been destroyed or damaged? Are they the worst army at aiming in the world or something?

    No, of course you didn’t, because it doesn’t support your imaginary version of the evil Jew.

    Are you saying I’m antisemitic for believing the FACT that Israel has damaged much of the water infrastructure in Gaza?

  • Wow, two trucks blown up out of how many tens of thousands of trucks?

    Don’t be an idiot. They were travelling a “safe” route. They were coordinating their position with Israel. They were innocent aid workers. They should have never been killed. Making out it is fine because it’s “rare” is ridiculous.

    If you want to play numbers, Israel killed 254 aid workers up to the end of April.

    You don’t find your reaction a little hysterical?

    “Hysterical”? No. I used no emotive language (apart from “massacre” which is generally how that event is referred to), I just listed some of the many facts that show Israel is the main problem for aid distribution. Calling this “hysterical” is a pathetic rhetorical trick to make out that that everyone else is “emotional” and you are “rational.” It’s embarrassing.

    Hysterical would be: OMG those innocent aid workers were BUTCHERED by Israel, brutally killed in the prime of their life. This is the worst crime imaginable, can you think of how their parents feel?! These people are monsters, MONSTERS. Worse than Hitler. Like Satan himself. If you didn’t cry about this you are SCUM.

    I said they “were killed.”

    Totally emotionless.

    What? There is less aid than before the war because there is a war. How does that not make sense to you?

    It’s totally possible to designate actual safe zones for humanitarian purposes and give these people aid. And “because there is a war” there is much more need for humanitarian aid. Because Israel has destroyed food production, water desalination plants and much more. But obviously you know that.

    Israel increased the demand for aid, killed people distributing aid, stops much of the aid from getting in, and makes it impossible to safely get it (e.g. flour massacre) and you have the gall to say they “want” aid in. Give us a fucking break.

    From here

    Around 500 trucks with aid and other commercial supplies were entering Gaza daily before the conflict, when the enclave was also able to produce much of its food through agriculture and fishing, both of which have nearly entirely ceased.

    UNRWA communications director Juliette Touma said both humanitarian and commercial supplies were needed for Gaza because the entire population was now dependent on handouts, which was not sustainable.

    Down from 500 to 100 to 200 a day. Rarely (like in the linked story) more, often much less. Never 500 since October, despite calls from around the world.

    This is why you fall back on pretending everyone arguing with you is overly emotional or just stupid. The facts are staring all of us in the face and we see it too clearly. You want to pretend this is “normal” but have to really double down in the face of such overwhelming evidence.