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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • The CEO is chosen by the board, which is chosen by the shareholders. The shareholders have the ultimate power, if they can unite on a goal/decision. Overwhelmingly, the only thing they can agree on is that they want to make the most money. They often can’t even agree on how to go about that.

    So, the board won’t fire him because the shareholders won’t force it. The shareholders won’t force it because they want the most money, and musk as CEO seems to be the best path, or at least not a problematic one.

    As for how that can be, it gets into how absurd Tesla stock is in the first place. There was a period where Tesla’s market cap (total value of all shares) was higher than the entire rest of the auto industry combined. This was despite having no feasible path towards that level of production, and even growth in general wasn’t looking too hot.

  • Nollij@sopuli.xyztoMemes@lemmy.mlMusic to my ears
    1 month ago

    Please be better than this. It’s the mirrored version of ‘owning the libs’, and it hurts us all in the end.

    That said, I am very pleased that justice has been served. We need to hold more politicians accountable, both at the polls and in the courts.

  • Disclaimer: IANAL

    Contracts in perpetuity don’t hold up, especially since this isn’t even a contract. They always expire at some point, unless renewed.

    A claim of false advertising could hold up, but again that’s a promise not held in a contract.

    Finally, it looks like that marketing campaign was over 7 years ago. No court would ever hold them to business plans from that long ago. They have to provide adequate notice for any changes (often 30 days), but they can certainly discontinue a program.

  • “Let’s imagine: It’s time to elect a world leader, and your vote counts. Which would you choose:

    “Candidate A: Associates with ward healers and consults with astrologists; has had two mistresses; chain-smokes and drinks eight to ten martinis a day.

    “Candidate B: Was kicked out of office twice; sleeps until noon; used opium in college; drinks a quart of brandy every evening.

    “Candidate C: Is a decorated war hero, a vegetarian, doesn’t smoke, drinks an occasional beer, and has had no illicit love affairs.

    “Which of these candidates is your choice? You don’t really need any more information, do you? Candidate A is Franklin Roosevelt. Candidate B is Winston Churchill. Candidate C is Adolf Hitler.”

    Biased and selective comparisons can prove anything.

  • Your description isn’t very clear on what exactly you have, or what you need.

    It sounds like you have wired NICs in both server and laptop, which will be physically close to each other, but your only connection to the Internet will be WiFi that you don’t control. How accurate is that?

    Next question is how do you want them to connect to each other? You can do a P2P wired connection, which is more complicated but fully isolates your traffic. It also means that, unless each device has a separate connection and an appropriate routing config, it won’t be online to the Internet (unless you set up some form of connection sharing). You can also connect them to a router that has no Internet. Simpler than the above, but the same limitations.

    You could easily and cheaply get a USB Wi-Fi NIC. The major downside is that all traffic will be going across the wireless connection, both ways. This makes it slow and unreliable.

    You can also connect them to a modified router configured as a wireless bridge. DD-WRT and others can be configured in a different way than usual. The wireless router will provide wired LAN ports to your local network, but then use the wireless connection to connect to an upstream WiFi.

    None of this has anything to do with Linux, BTW. Once you choose a path, you should be able to implement it in whatever OS (or multiple OSes) you would like. None of it is new or special. You might get more options if you post in the Homelab, Data Hoarder, or Self Hosted communities.