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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023


  • You know i think i understand companies sometimes but then i keep being baffeld at how evil a company can be.

    Apple for example had me surprised with the reaction to the DMA and i previously thought that they couldn‘t possibly suck harder wirh alö their anti-repair stuff.

    I still have a bone to pick with Tim Cook himself for rendering my well working Mac Mini 2012 unusable for my app development job by simply not updating Xcode and introducing a breaking change that prevented me from adding support for new iOS versions to old Xcode.

  • Don‘t forget the Core Technology Fee they will raise if you do wish to offer your app outside of the app store and you weren‘t qualified for the Apple Developer Enterprise program.

    And don‘t forget that in order to be eligible for sideloading you have to have at least one million downloads on the App Store.

    And don‘t forget that your app still has to go through the App Review process so you have exactly no additional freedom if you live in the european economical area.

    I sure hope the EU keeps kicking Apples ass. I love iOS but i hate the lack of freedom.

    Btw, does anyone know whether visionOS even supports sideloading in the EEA.

  • Apple cites security concerns for killing PWAs in europe. I mean they could‘ve made changes to the system to allow running PWAs in other browser engines by offering an API in which other applications could hook themselves into, akin to how Android did it with the web activity that is used by other apps.

    But then that would mean conceding to the EU and we can‘t have that, can we?

  • The EU is (finally) coming for Apple‘s ass. So Sideloading might finally become a thing on iOS.

    Until then we have Signulous to sign our apps for Sideloading. There are also other options but those require a PC nearby so up to three apps can be signed for 7 days at a time.

    Also tell me how Apple and Apple users have ruined Android. I‘ve been using Android phones since Android 2.1 and switched to an iPhone recently solely because my company gifted me an iPhone 14 Pro Max. And through all those years i didn‘t notice Apple or Apple users ruining Android.

  • Open Source doesn’t mean automatically that applications look ugly. It only means that they look ugly on non-Linux systems. Like VLC Player, Open Office, etc.

    Linux systems are easy to install. The real challenge is to diagnose an issue. What caused the crash of GTA V? The new Mesa drivers? The new Gamescope update? Some update in the game that breaks in conjunction with KDE running in Wayland? But you launched the game in xwayland, how could Wayland still cause trouble? Or is it the latest FEX update you installed because you saw a Youtuber playing Elden Ring on their iPhone 14 Pro with HoloISO and you figured that the 15 Pro should handle the game perfectly?