• 170 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • Once again, you either didn’t read your link or you didn’t think I would:

    Those documents provided that Ukraine would transfer all strategic warheads on its territory to Russia for elimination and, in return, would receive security assurances, compensation for the commercial value of the HEU, and Nunn-Lugar assistance to help with the disposal of ICBMs, ICBM silos, bombers and other infrastructure on Ukrainian territory. Perhaps as importantly but less tangibly, the Trilateral Statement removed what would have been a major impediment to Ukraine’s development of normal relations with the United States and the West.

    What ‘security assurances’ do you think they were talking about?

  • I assumed nothing. What I said was this:

    But I think calling her a racist for what she did when she could be Muslim herself is going a bit too far.

    Lying about what I said in order to continue to berate me is not a good way to go about doing things and I do not advise you either lie or call me a bigot again unless you wish to take a long break from this community. Rule 5 in the sidebar is very clear:

    Rule 5: Keep it civil. It’s OK to say the subject of an article is behaving like a (pejorative, pejorative). It’s NOT OK to say another USER is (pejorative). Strong language is fine, just not directed at other members. Engage in good-faith and with respect!

    You are engaging with neither good faith nor respect. And you will have one more opportunity to do so.

    Incidentally, I literally talked about Iranian Armenian Christians in another comment, making your lie an extremely silly one.

  • The latter two are clearly better sources, which makes me wonder why you didn’t use them.

    Hmm… maybe it was because this was in the NPR one?

    Russia is paid by receiving revenues from China, India, Turkey and other buyers of Russian oil products and a big part is so-called non-oil-and-gas income which economy produce itself.

    Maybe also this part?

    So that’s why we’re talking that Russian economy is now operating on its maximum capacity. And I don’t see any signs how it can grow faster. And when we are looking at this bright figures, about 3% of GDP growth or this super low unemployment rate, we need always keep in mind what there is behind. And behind is Vladimir Putin impossible trilemma for 2024, because he will need to fund the ongoing war against Ukraine, maintain the facade of business as usual for population and safeguarding the macroeconomic stability, which is quite complicated because Russia abandoned lots of institutions like budgetary rule or predictable tax system. So the situation looks solid, but it’s very fragile.

    Is it that you didn’t think I’d read them or is it because you didn’t read them yourself?

  • As I suggested at the beginning, what you are looking for is not a discussion, it’s a person to berate. All you do is keep proving it.

    However, I will indulge you:

    I could point you to multiple different posts I have made where I have shown that it is clear that multiple ethnicities of people in different parts of the world are Muslims and they practice Islam in different ways.

    Those posts were in response to two misogynists claiming that Muslim women who did not wear headscarves were either sinners or not Muslims.

    One of them also said Iranians are Arabs.

    And yet rather than attack them for their misogyny and one of them for saying something that really is racist, you attack me for daring to suggest that maybe an Iranian woman is a Muslim because we don’t know what she claims her religion is right now.

    Just amazing.

    I’d stick around and wait for your criticisms of their posts, but you’ve latched on to hating me and once you’re on that hate teat, I know how hard it is to let go.

  • And yet cities end up losing money when hosting the Olympics most of the time.

    In general, the revenue brought in from the games does not equate to the money put out by the host city. London generated $5.2 billion in revenue against its $14.6 billion spent, said Investopedia. In 2010, Vancouver spent $7.6 billion on the Olympics but brought in only $2.8 billion. In 2008, Beijing’s $42 billion investment generated revenue of just $3.6 billion. In fact, every Olympics since 1960 has been over budget, and an analysis from the University of Oxford found the games overrun their costs by an average of 172%. Los Angeles in 1984 remains the “only host city that realized a profit from the games,” Investopedia said, but this is largely “because the infrastructure required of them already existed.”


    They get conned into bidding for it every two years anyway though.