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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Neat. I tried this last night on my once top of the line machine (in 2012) because why not…

    It didn’t upgrade my win10 install but at least it didn’t delete all my data. Maybe I goofed on that as I was tired.

    I used the 23H2 iso but it installed 22H2.

    I didn’t use the script, it picked up my existing valid key.

    It fails to update. Perhaps that’s the point or bloat would come back?

    But if it can’t update then what’s the point?

    Again, might be my fault but I’m not really trusting this image yet. Not enough to reinstall and relicense my tools.

    I use Linux where I can but I’m bound to some windows-only proprietary software. I do use a stripped down win10 VM for a lot of it but at least it updates.

    Will update this comment if i find that I’m at fault.

  • I’ve used Pihole for so long… I bought the original pi as a curiosity but Pihole was best use of it.

    Here is the problem though, which i assume applies to all adblockers: everything is now “sponsored links”. Google, Amazon, etc. They are of course blocked which is getting really frustrating.

    So what do we do now? Is there a way to just send fake telemetry? Saw VLANs mentioned. Is that the way? I’m getting older and life gets busier and it’s harder for me to keep up on this.

  • It’s always the bagging thing that fails for me. I’m not the smartest person in the world but I can scan an item and place it in the bagging area. It’s kinda out of my hands at that point. Be it calibration or incorrect data sometimes it won’t recognize and after a couple attempts locks and some underpaid person has to come roll their eyes at me and swipe a card to let it go through.

    I’ve probably just been unlucky and gave up 10yrs ago on that.

    No they don’t train cashiers beyond what button to press. Produce is interesting. It’s been a while (love curbside service) since I’ve been in a grocery store but ours has tags on produce you show to a scale and it weighs it and prints out a sticker with a barcode.

    And I just realized how abusable that is. I’m going shopping tomorrow!

    Oh what’s the 4011 thing? Doesn’t ring a bell.

  • It’s funny how divided a topic this is.

    Could just be my area but the machines always fail in some way or another.

    Give me 10%off if I am doing the job of an absentee cashier… Always cool seeing many checkouts all decked out in gear with noone there to run them. Ever.

    OR, even better, use some decades old tech and spend a penny to put RFID tags on everything so I can just run my cart through and verify the list of stuff and click Yes, No, Maybe.

    Somewhat related… is it just me or are liquor stores the best at this? I never even stop moving and I’m out. Then i go next door to the pet store to grab some animal chow and I stand in line for 10mins because just one register of 6 is staffed.

    At least we can order everything online for the most part now.

  • That’s cool… 150k? Nice. I regret not getting one when i had the chance but I felt like it should had at least a small turbo. And i wasn’t overly confident with the aftermarket stuff. That said the gt86 platform is quite a base to build on.

    But yeah, i hate the trend of a big touchscreen to do everything. Sometimes i wonder if it’s just getting old but I really feel like the UIs are awful.

    Display is ok for GPS and maybe some audio but I certainly prefer standard tactile interface methods. You are right, dying breed. Enjoy your ride!

  • I feel you. My Nokia N900 and later N9 were great solutions. All my sms, aim, icq, msn etc was all seamless along with instant load time. Then came things like line, FB messenger, Whatsapp. It was just how to have everything in one place.

    RCS is probably the best option at this point if Imessage could use it. Then i wouldn’t need other apps for those friends to get decent quality.

    Sad to learn signal wasn’t the standalone service I thought it was. I might sound old but really don’t care about sticker packs. I do care about quality shares without another app.

  • Cihta@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.mlHelp me choose a distro, please!
    9 months ago

    I have to agree with most people, arch is probably the way to go.

    But given the subject I’m gonna piggy back on you and ask about KDE Neon. This is what got me back into desktop Linux after installing it on an old crappy tablet.

    Now i currently run it on a couple older but upgraded AIOs and even my server that primarily does VMs.

    If i understand it’s a little more bleeding edge than people would normally like but I’m curious the community thoughts on it as i don’t hear much. Am I missing out not running arch or mint?

  • Cihta@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlWe're doomed
    9 months ago

    Interesting. Can relate having spent most of my life on a southern coast. One summer my parents shipped me to my uncle in Denver for a few weeks. One day we dropped by an air show. It’s summer and it’s hot (mid 90s or so) but you can’t feel it. People passing out was common enough it had an announcement.

    Cut to later that day and we are up in the mountains and I’m walking through a snow bank with the same T-shirt and shorts from earlier, perfectly comfortable.

    So yeah if it’s dry you can wear about anything… when it’s humid nothing seems to work be it hot or cold. If we are gonna change the climate here are my notes: I’d like 65-68degF and let’s say 45% RH. All day everyday. Make it so!

  • That’s curious. I actually feel more and more lucid starting around noon or whenever the sun starts setting, and into the night. The person in the mirror starts to actually look decent, I feel more free and happy, etc.

    Can’t go to sunrise if it can be helped. For some reason it’s just a punch in the face to me. I probably have issues with responsibilities or something.

    We are all weird creatures for sure though even just based on the comments in this post.

  • I wanted to tag on to your post. I’ve been without power for weather stuff too a few times and one thing i learned was that my cheapie 40" TV would only pull 10-15watts with backlight all the way down. With a small battery bank you can go a good while on that and tune into your local station via OTA. It was very watchable especially given the only light around was my candle.

    For a couple more watts you watch shows off your memory stick as well once the event is over and you are just waiting for the power lines to get fixed… my phone drained nearly as much but to be fair i left the radio enabled so it was hunting for a tower.

    Just something to consider for your gear if you live near the coast or in Texas. Battery banks are pretty cheap.

  • It seems like it would but the pivpn install script always hangs on me whether i I select openvpn or wireguard. Based on some reading I was lead to believe I needed to just use raw openvpn for a TAP interface. I’ve tried a few times but I always end up with CA issues or just flat out failure to connect.

    It should be pretty simple, I’m just trying to bridge my network to a single remote device connected via cellular gateway. Maybe I’m just out of my depth. I’ve done it before with an old NAS years ago but I’ve tried a few step by step guides and no dice.

    If you have any tips that’d be great!

  • That’s awful. Not new, but i guess it’s becoming more common.

    I was forced to abandon Linux on desktop in 2007. This year on a whim I got back a couple AIOs I had gifted and installed KDE neon and was blown away at how nice it was. And absurdly fast at that.

    My main still has to run win for not just games but also Visio. What really gets me is the tools platform i need for work will only run on win despite it being essentially java based. If allowed to run on native Linux I can’t help but think it would be much much faster.

    I’m currently testing out a portable base win10VM for those softwares. Not an ideal solution but it’s working.

    I guess while I’m at it I’ll go ahead and ask… is there any OSS alternative to Visio?

  • To be fair It has its uses i suppose. I’ve had one running pihole since the original pi came out. Used PI2s in the past for OSMC and, even better, ambilight.

    I think now a cheap android TV box you can flash is probably better for a simple less than 5watt device.

    Besides the HA test I’ve been trying to use one to be an openvpn TAP interface but it’s been a fight and i think you just convinced me to do it in another docker instance on the server and save myself some headaches.

  • I’ll get a lot of hate for this but when you say pi you mean pi4. I kept seeing this HA on lemmy and tried it on a pi2. I don’t know if it worked or not, it’s a very bloated piece of software. After an hour of waiting I installed docker and the HA instance on my main server (which is ancient) in under a minute.

    It’s cool and all but my feit dimmers require some pcb work and flashing to be compatible so verify what devices you have before you hop in.

    I used to have an automated building running on a bare 386 and a floppy drive. Hate on me all you want but sending simple commands like turn device on shouldn’t require a giant software package but otherwise HA is neat, just a lot of overhead i can’t exactly justify.

    Worth trying out though.

    I think reflow stole a lot of their code.