• 10 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2023


  • Literally just yesterday I posted about it in my family’s political group chat and my older sister said, and I quote:

    “even though I lean left, I’m actually glad that conservatives have a playbook! Why? because Trump’s first term presidential transition (2017) was totally bungled… he needs a list of people that he can appoint from, so that these agencies don’t just fall apart… Don’t kid yourself, Biden’s team and Obama’s team and the democrats overall definitely have their own playbook and their list of potential appointees. They just don’t have to crowdsource theirs!”

    cue insane Charlie Kelly screams

  • Let me preface what I want to say with the fact that I have previously lost half of my bodyweight largely because of a lack of body positivity in my head, and it’s still lacking.

    You seem to be of the mind that people who have “unhealthy habits” should be shamed into living a healthier life. Where does that end? Should only people who physically appear to be unhealthy be shamed? Should people who have actual unhealthy bodies be shamed? Should people who have invisible unhealthy habits like hidden bulimia be shamed? Should people who have unhealthy mental conditions that are only diagnosable by experts be shamed?

    I’m not being sarcastic or rhetorical, I’m genuinely curious where the line should be drawn. Some people are physically incapable of losing weight. Some people are perfectly healthy despite appearing overweight, yet they are treated like less valuable people because they don’t conform to beauty standards. Some people are notably ill despite fitting conventional beauty standards.

    Body positivity is about eliminating social standards of beauty that ignore health, not about making unhealthy people think they’re better off being unhealthy. Furthermore, health is absolutely a luxury for many people. When survival is expensive, surviving with the time and money to take care of your body can be unattainable