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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 24th, 2024


  • Its only been getting worse as this post conference pressser has gone on.

    He has forgotten entirely to respond to parts of a multipart question, meandered into basically ‘I sat down with Golda Meir and Yitsak Rabin and we accomplished peace!’, just keeps repeating things he did (some of which are legitimate accomplishments) that have little to do with the questions asked…

    … “You said your presidency would be a bridge to younger candidates, what happened to that?”

    Rambles about being in the Senate a really long time

    … at one point he actually said, outloud, ‘How do I not make this seem self centered?’ before answering a ‘Considering the stakes, do you really think you should run?’ type of question.

    In the time I have been typing this he has basically barked in anger after a short response to a question that was followed by the reporter asking ‘thats all?’.

    He also keeps doing the sort of asshole loud whisper sarcasm voice.

    He is coming off as a sundowning angry old man who doesn’t want his car keys taken away.

  • This would happen in a just world.

    It won’t though.

    Reminds me of the recent millionaire guy who got lambasted on YT (i think his actual posts were on TikTok?).

    Guys, I am going to lock up my money, my phone have no contacts and go to a new city and start from nothing and earn a million dollars in 30 or 90 days or something.

    Whoah big surprise, a few weeks in he has to call the whole thing off for health reasons.

    OMG he got robbed? Lost his paper work and thus couldn’t get the right aid? The shelters are full? Sleeping outside in a city is extremely dangerous and unhealthy? Your hygiene suffers? No one talks to you or treats you like a human being?

    In a just world we’d put the income tax levels back to around FDR levels and thus be able to actually fund social programs and eliminate a great deal of the wealthy’s massive over representation in politics.

    Instead it looks like we will be making a b-line toward theocratic corporatocracy.


    Edit: Income and Corporate tax levels.

  • I have had multiple people in my life tell me that it is irresponsible to not have my phone on, 24/7, in case they need to message me about something.

    These are the same people who get angry anytime I message them and they are busy, but also get angry if I am busy and don’t immediately reply to them.

    I’ve been woken up so many times at 2 am…

    At least in my life, its quite common for people to be hypocritical douchebags.

  • 3d spatial sound always gets me.

    Seems like it literally never ends, claiming to have some kind of new tech that revolutionizes 3d sound for either music or games.

    Reality is almost nobody even today releases music in 5.1 or 7.1 format, and 3d spatial sound via software for headphones has existed since like 2002.

    The Xbox Game Bar certainly is not new to 11… They just made it more of a system component than a program.

    MSFT Accounts aren’t new, OneDrive isn’t new…

    Also, after the gigantic kerfuffle caused by TPM requirement for Win 11, they are now apparentlty dropping it as a requirement?

    So fucking glad I don’t work for MSFT anymore.