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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • You’re being down voted, but I want to add in that terrorism is a word used by the ruling class to tell you who to hate. When the state (usually, although this case didn’t exempt them) uses violence and fear, that’s the good kind of violence and fear. When a non-state actor uses it, it’s terrorism. The only thing that separates “justified force” from “terrorism” is if the ruling class wants you to like it or not. For example, look at what the IDF is doing. It somehow isn’t terrorism just because they’re a state who’s in favor with the ruling class?

  • While true, I think Paradox does it better than Maxis. First, you almost always get some stuff for free. Second, it’s usually more substantial (or it’s art packs or whatever, which you don’t need but are fairly cheap). Would this game do it well? Who knows. Just having them competition would force them and Maxis to do better though.

    All this said, I pirate most of the DLCs for Paradox games. I’ll buy the first few near release, but when I want to revisit a game after a few years, likely just for one playthrough or less, I don’t feel like spending $100+ to catch up, and I’d like to see where the new content went. I’ve given them plenty of money where I feel no moral issue with doing so.

  • I don’t agree with them but this:

    But they are still terrorists, right?

    That’s a loaded question.

    Terrorism: the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

    The first part that needs to be dealt with is “unlawful.” Who’s laws? The issue is states get to arbitrarily define terrorism. If a state does terrorism, they get to say it’s something else.

    Second: “violence and intimidation… in the pursuit of political aims.” OK, so all militaries do this part. That’s the point of a military. If this part is wrong then all states are wrong.

    OK, so essentially the issue is defining “terrorism” as a bad thing. It isn’t necessarily. It’s using the means of the state against a state. That is all. It can be bad, but so can the actions of a state. It can also be good. If only states are allowed to use violence then they will use violence to suppress voices they disagree with, and there’s nothing that can be done about it.

    We’ve got to stop using the term terrorism. It’s a term of the media. It isn’t useful in a real discussion. It is a term used to drive hatred and fear even if the ones using it are the ones on the receiving end of most of the violence. The media will never use the word to refer to state actions that they agree with. Stop using their language.